Join me at the Mass. Tiny House Festival

Please come and join all the tiny house movement ‘curious’ and some of the movement’s leaders at the 5th Mass. Tiny House Festival in my Northshore Boston backyard!

This year, the festival is only a few miles from where the sustainable Silver Bullet is permanently parked. Come and tour all the micro lifestyle’s featured in tiny houses, schoolies, buses, wagons, box trucks and other structures. There are vendors, food, music and speakers from the tiny house movement. Your opportunity to learn all about the micro-living lifestyle!

I’ll be speaking Saturday at 4:15PM about the 5 elements of sustainable tiny living that are detailed in both my books about my tiny house journey/build and how to design your own sustainable lifestyle. (Books are 50% off from  Oct.19-30, Code: SB19)

Come by and say hello and meet my tiny house friends!

Tickets here.

Tiny House Books Make Great Holiday Gifts

Happy Holidays from us to YOU!       Ten Days until Christmas to purchase BOTH Vera’s e-Books for 50% OFF!

Empower yourself or empower a friend with a gift! PayPal Checkout Discount Code: XMAS2

“Living The Sustainable Tiny Life” envelops the reader into a world that is vastly changing in ways that are new and different, but also familiar to the reader. Her book takes on an almost therapeutic aura as she welcomes you into her thought processes, resources, successes, and failures over decades of social change. After reading The Sustainable Tiny Life I feel inspired to not only live a more simple and meaningful life, but also to do more for our planet as a consumer and advocate. This book is for anyone who is interested in leading a healthier life for themselves and for future generations.” —— Christina D. Mecca-McClory BSW Researcher and Life Coach

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Living the Sustainable Lifestyle Workbook is wonderful!!! One of the pieces that others often miss is that experiencing a truly successful tiny house experience requires more than simply moving into smaller square footage. A change in lifestyle and awareness is also necessary for the best results. Your workbook takes readers through various pertinent and important exercises that will best prepare them for an amazing new life. It’s obvious that you have learned a lot from your life experiences and making your own move to tiny, so you’re a great author to put this all together. The workbook would have been helpful for us when we got started on our own tiny house and downsizing journey!! “    ——Gabriella Morrison, Tiny House Build

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Mindful Sustainable Tiny house Builders: 2 cycle 2 gether

Last month I was interviewing a fellow tiny house enthusiast, Kelsey Max, (interview coming soon) about her global travels since we met. I thought she would like to know about a couple I have followed on the web for two years whose global pilgrimage, 2 cycle 2 gether, embodies a radically sustainable lifestyle. 

Meet Sheila and Kai, two of the most committed mindful sustainable living practitioners I hope to meet. They are tiny house builders traveling the globe in the most sustainable non-impactful way – via bicycle. And they are fundraiser’s for global humanitarian projects as well as volunteers for several charitable and social justice organizations they passionately believe in.

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They are an inspiration to us all. 

Their message is elementary:  Simplify.  Connect.  Redefine. 

“We drastically minimized our belongings, paid off debt, built our 260 ft² off-grid home, and quit our environmentally & emotionally unsustainable jobs.  In an effort to reclaim our lost connection to humanity and the natural world we left our “old normal” behind and embarked upon a bicycling pilgrimage.”

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Their website is as colorful as this couple! It is a hub of information about their travels, their projects, their tiny house build and their sustainability practice discoveries!

Consider checking out their journey, becoming a sponsor or offering a campsite. I invited them for a vegan dinner and a weekend up here to see the Silver Bullet. I cannot wait to meet them! I’m hoping they’ll bicycle up from Mexico soon!