Tiny House Events and Workshops


The Silver Bullet Tiny House is now in a permanent hosting location in Northern Massachusetts as of 2017. If you would like to schedule a consultation, see services page.

PAST Events:

May 2022: First legislators/BBRS leaders tour the Silver Bullet Tiny House:

In order for Massachusetts to legalize movable tiny homes, I took the risk of inviting legislators and BBRS officials to view a properly connected and placed tiny house on an 8 acre host property north of Boston. The intent was to see how tiny houses are placed and connected and appear in a real neighborhood as opposed to viewing a model at a tiny home builders warehouse/lot.

April26-27/2022: Private Screening of the Box Truck Film Earth Day Event at Governors Academy

As producer and cast member of this amazing film about the 6 R’s and the Box Truck Build, I was finally able to facilitate this event with my daughter, Belle, who teaches art at this institution. The filmmakers, my two great ReUse/ReCycle tiny house friends, Alex Eaves and Derek Diedricksen, after the films screening,spent the day in classrooms and at the Box Truck facilitating 6R discussions and relaying their story with the academy’s teachers and students.

March 2022: Silver Bullet Tiny House Tour filmed by FLORB

Florb Tour

January 10, 2020 thru March2022 : Pandemic closes the Silver Bullet Tiny House Personal Tours

Zoom Consultations, Zoom Interviews and Podcast Interviews Online Only 

October 12th, 2017: Talking Tiny at the BookRack in Newburyport, 52 State Street.

September 23rd – 24th, 2017:  3rd Annual Massachusetts Tiny House Festival

Vera and the Silver Bullet Tiny House was at the festival where she spoke about her sustainable tiny life with humor and passion.

September 1-4, 2017: Tiny House Fest Vermont, Brattleboro, Vermont

For more information, tickets, etc., go to: https://tinyhousefestvermont.com/tiny-house-fest-2017/

American USA Tour finishes June, 2017 logging 17,283 miles for the Silver Bullet Tiny House through 32 states. Workshops, tours, speaking engagements inspired and motivated thousands of tiny house enthusiasts, environmental activists, climate change educators and carbon footprint  mitigators.

Earth Day Texas, April 21-23, 2017.

Vera was the Renogy Solar Ambassador to  Earth Day Texas is the largest global Earth Day event and takes place at Fair Park, Dallas, Texas, 10AM to 6PM each day.

She provided tours of her zero-waste, all clean energy, solar powered Silver Bullet Tiny House. Vera Struck, who designed and built a simple, off-grid, sustainable life style, spoke about her tiny house journey and build are which are available in her sustainable e-book, ‘Living the Sustainable Tiny Life’ (discount code is available to attendees).

She will be premiering the 2nd edition of her e-book, ‘Living the Sustainable Tiny Life Handbook’, a ten-week process workbook to get you on the road to designing your own sustainable lifestyle!

November, 2016: Best Tiny Home DIY’er of the Florida Tiny House Festival 



Example of one of our 2016 Summer Tiny House Tours/Workshops at the Klay Winery:


Come to the beautiful Laurel mountains, 65 miles SE of Pittsburgh, PA. and learn all about tiny houses on wheels. Take a 30 minute tour of the charming Silver Bullet Tiny House, by designer, builder, artist and author, Vera Struck for $15. You will discover repurposed and reclaimed resources, renewable energy systems, a zero waste, off-grid tiny house on wheels made from sustainable non-toxic materials. For the serious tiny house enthusiasts we recommend the 3 hour workshop  $75., where you will learn tiny house building systems, tiny house decisions about trailers, materials, building design, parking, zoning, etc.

30 minute tours for the tiny house curious, $15., $20 at the door. Pre-purchase your tickets here for whichever day you wish to come. Pre-ticket holders get preference over at the door buyers.

• entrance to the enchanting grounds of the Christian W. Klay Winery

• 3 hour tour and workshop in and around the Silver Bullet Tiny House. Learn about the tiny house movement and Vera’s personal tiny house journey. Ms. Struck will share her building envelope design based on bio-mimicry. She will discuss many of the tiny house decisions that face those enthusiast’s curious about the movement. Trailer modification, design process, framing, sheathing, downsizing transitions, insulation and energy systems will be covered. Includes light refreshments, building samples and 30 minute Q&A session. Bring your sense of humor!!

• Includes light refreshments, and building resource samples (as long as they last, so register early)

• a copy of her e-book, “Living the Sustainable Tiny Life” will be included in the tour/workshop

• after each workshop the Christian W. Klay Winery will provide a wine tasting

Comments from former attendees:
“If your longing to live the tiny life I highly recommend attending Vera’s workshop as a first step. Not only will you get to see, touch, and feel an actual tiny house but Vera will share with you her story, her experiences, and knowledge gained by extensive research and trial and error. I left her workshop with a bigger appreciation for the Tiny house way of life and for the movement as a whole. I now have a better understanding of the social, economic, environmental, and cultural effects this intentional way of living supports and impacts.
So inspired to start my THOW journey real soon! ” Sophie T.
“I also really enjoyed all the sustainability information that you shared with us. We are definitely starting to see a trend in people who we talk to: those who are environmentally conscious, and those who are financially conscious. I love that your nonprofit strives to show people that they can have both.” Megan M.
“I definitely learned a lot about how tiny houses are constructed, and providing us with some of the building materials you used was incredibly useful. The game we played at the end of the tour also really helped put everything into perspective – it was definitely a great learning process when we wrote down the top 5 things we should consider before building a tiny house.” Jay W.
“I greatly appreciate your willingness to open up your home and heart to us and share with us your values as well as your challenges.” Mika IW.

2 thoughts on “Tiny House Events and Workshops

  1. Thank you Vera for this inspiration!! I am almost one year into collecting all my windows, doors, loft boards , inside wall boards, outside old redwood fence boards for siding, all reclaimed, and 2 months having my trailer and now ready to put the deck on over the sheep’s wool insulation. (It took awhile to get the sheet meatla all attached under the trailer) So good to hear that you built this mostly yourself, and the positive attitude you have for it all. And so great to share it and inspire others to live simply on the earth!! I am working with a group of people to get a tiny house village happening in the city of Richmond California to have affordable housing in a place where people have to move away as the rents and mortgages climb up. Yeah for this movement!!!

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