BiAnnual Fundraising Event for TerraBluTeams at the Silver Bullet Tiny House

November 4th, 2017, Saturday, 5-7 PM: TerraBluTeams BiAnnual Sustainability Lifestyle Education Fundraiser at the Silver Bullet Tiny House in Hamilton-Wenham, Massachusetts (Private address sent to ticket holders only)



Enjoy cocktails, farm to table bites and bid on auction items to fund and support sustainable lifestyle education at our 5th Anniversary Party at a private location off Route 97 in Hamilton-Wenham, Massachusetts. Get a private tour and speak with our founder, Vera Struck, Tiny House Designer/Builder/Dweller, author, reclamation artist and tiny house movement speaker.

Auction items include art, bicycle accessories, and generous gift certificates at local restaurants, shops, jewelry stores, etc.

Limited Attendance, so get your tickets now, just register for tickets thru the PayPal button below:


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